Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Thinking it was just another rudimentary day in my cement park, I got about to normal business. 

Frolic amongst the potted plants on steroids,

perfect my 3 point stance,

bask in the sunlight...

and remind the wildlife I'm King of this concrete jungle!

I come at full speed, mane flowing in the wind and roaring at the top of my lungs. 

No better feeling than watching my prey fear, understand ... 

and obey me.

Seconds later, Im surrounded by what I assume to be the ASPCA  ... and they aint havin' it. 

I am not so sure what their banner says, but judging by their tone of voice and timing I'm almost positive it has something to do with animal rights. 

Watching them fist pump without house music playing begins to frighten me.

Fearing for my life and not knowing how to say in their language, "I'm one of you now.... Let me sign right below Michael Vick,"  I think fast on my feet and give them the universal sign for the animal rights conversion.

I walk right up to the nearest tree...

size that sucker up,

and embrace it, planting a kiss to make it authentic.

Still looking the tree straight in the face... I believe I hear the Captain tell the First Officer in Command to withdraw the troops.  

They cease and desist. 

My life has been spared. 

And just like that my pigeon heckling days are over. 


  1. So cute! Xander seems to have life figured out.

  2. Glad that worked out okay for you kid!

  3. my kinda boy, what with the sun basking and tree huggin and all.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Becky- don't be fooled ;) I just fall into peer pressure like my Ma
    Sarah- I barely survived that one by the hair on my chinny chin chin
    Kassie- Too bad you like to wear bunny fur... yup just through you under da bus ;)
